
Do what you can

At the time of writing we are just completing the first week of England’s second nation-wide lockdown and hoping that there is a vaccine in the pipeline. By the time you read this I imagine we will be nearing the end of the lockdown if it has not already been lifted.

At the time of writing we are just completing the first week of England’s second nation-wide lockdown and hoping that there is a vaccine in the pipeline. By the time you read this I imagine we will be nearing the end of the lockdown if it has not already been lifted.

Whether we are facing a normal Christmas and New Year or a restricted one many people will continue to benefit from participating in the boom of online Personal Training, Zoom yoga sessions or free social media fitness circuits and classes.

Whether it is Joe Wicks or Joe Bloggs, I highly recommend that you make sure the session is both good for and appropriate to your abilitiy. During the last lockdown one of my clients stumbled across a popular social media fitness personality who had Burpee jump press ups included in their circuit for beginners, I think it is fair to say that this is not a beginners exercise by any stretch of the imagination!!

YouTube and various other platforms have amazing videos of amazing people doing amazing things, things that they have trained to be able to do for a long time; attempt these at your own risk.

There are 30 day challenges out there as well as a myriad of other time or performance led challenges that tend to start off with a small number of movements on the first day but quickly build up up to a much larger quantity as the thirty days progress, so choose wisely.

If you read my October article hopefully you have already started on your fitness or diet journey in preparation for the Christmas festivities. After all this should be a time of enjoyment and dare I say excess. If you have already started your journey and plan to continue with a modified approach over Christmas and New Year then it should be a guilt free time. The other bonus is that it will be much easier to get back on the correct path in the New Year.

It’s still not too late to start, so look at your goals, start gently but most importantly enjoy Christmas.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year folks and I look forward to seeing you for some fitness fun in the not to distant future.

Andy x