Alternate elbow knee

Core, hip flexors, quads, front of shoulders, triceps, chest.

Alternate leg reverse table

Lower back, hamstrings, glutes, rear of shoulders, triceps, upper back.

Bench dips

Triceps and front of shoulders.

Bent over reverse flyes

Upper back, rear of shoulders, lower back, hamstrings.

The bridge

Hamstrings, glutes, lower back, core.

Bulgarian split squat

Quadriceps (front of legs), glutes, adductors, core.


Legs, heart and lungs.

Curl to press

Biceps, shoulders, triceps, core.

Donkey kicks

All over cardio vascular, legs, shoulders / arms.

Goblet squat

Legs, forearms, shoulders, core.

Half sits


High plank 'T'

Core, obliques, front of shoulder, triceps.

Kettle bell swings

Legs, glutes, core, arms/shoulders.

Kettle bell twists

Core, especially your oblique muscles.


Quads, hamstrings, glutes, core.


Core, shoulders, hip flexors.

Press (push) up

Chest, triceps, shoulders, core, hip flexors.

Reverse table thrusts

Hamstrings, glutes, lower back, triceps.

Reverse crunches

Core, hip flexors.

Romanian / straight leg deadlift

Hamstrings, lower back.

Shoulder taps

Core, triceps, shoulders, hip flexors.

Side plank reach through

Core, obliques, abductors, shoulders.

Spider plank

Core, hip flexors, abductors, shoulders.


Core, abductors, hips, shoulders.

Squat Press

Legs, glutes, shoulders, triceps, core.

Squat Thrusts

Shoulders, legs, core, heart and lungs.


Legs, glutes.

Star jumps

Legs, shoulders, abductors, adductors, heart and lungs.


Core, shoulders, hip flexors, hamstrings, glutes.

Tuck jumps

Calves, achilles tendon, hip flexors, core, heart and lungs.

Turkish get up

Core, legs, shoulders.