
Don't believe the hype

As we start to approach the Christmas period I wanted to talk to you about a topic close to my heart, so close in fact that it is one of the main driving forces that lead me to stop doing what I was doing and set off on the scary path of creating a fitness business (and for those that know me, you will appreciate how far from being a business man I actually am).

As we start to approach the Christmas period I wanted to talk to you about a topic close to my heart, so close in fact that it is one of the main driving forces that lead me to stop doing what I was doing and set off on the scary path of creating a fitness business (and for those that know me, you will appreciate how far from being a business man I actually am).

So, I hear you ask, what is this topic? Well without wishing to sound like a heretic it is the falseness, misinformation and down-right thinly disguised lies within the health, beauty and fitness industry. There, I’ve said it.

The miracle pills, superfoods, ground-breaking exercises or fitness plans that will answer all your prayers, cure your insecurities and have you looking like a fitness model with just 7 minutes of work a day. As one of my Nans used to say “nothing in life is free” and this is just as pertinent in the fitness world as in the business world and life in general.

The bottom line (no pun intended) is that you have to work hard. Yes there are the odd genetically gifted individuals that have a small head start on the rest of us but if you want to look like a fitness model (male or female), if you want to shed that annoying stone, if you want to knock 5 minutes of your 10k PB there are two main things you need to do:

  1. Control what you eat and drink (you can’t out run a bad diet)
  2. Train hard, train smart.

In my humble opinion sport, health and fitness should be about enjoying pushing yourself, having fun doing so and allowing it to have a positive effect on your mental health and / or your body image. This should all be achieved with realistic goals and expectations.

So do yourself a favour, ignore the celebrity videos, plans and articles promising you great results with minimal effort and step away from the latest miracle diet, trust me they don’t work.

Instead put yourself back in control, join a fitness group, lace up those trainers, don that swimsuit or lift some weights and enjoy the whole journey not just the destination.

Have fun.
